Publications internationales

GUEZANE LAKOUD Samia, ALEM Karima, HAMOUD Fares, BOURAOUI Houdab, HESSAINIA Sihem, TRAD Bouteina, , BEDOUH Yazid, TOUIL Nourhane and Amel SEDIK . (2024), Synthesis, characterization, antibacterial activity, DFT and molecular docking study of four 4-phenyldiazenyl phenyl aminophosphonates. Journal of molecular structure, : Elsevier,

Résumé: Four 4-phenyldiazenyl phenyl aminophosphonates were successfully synthesized using an eco-friendly one-pot Kabachnik-Fields reaction. The reaction involved aromatic aldehydes, 4-(Phenyldiazenyl) aniline, and diethylphosphite, with Ni(SO4).6H2O (5 mol%) serving as an efficient catalyst. Conducted at room temperature under solvent-free conditions within 20 min, the reaction yielded excellent chemical results, with up to 90 % yields. The compounds underwent characterization through IR, UV-vis, NMR (1H, 13C, 31P), and HRMS. The antibacterial activity of the synthesized molecules was evaluated against two Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ATTC 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATTC 27853) and the Gram-positive bacterium (Staphylococcus aureus ATTC 25923) at different compound concentrations (32-128 µg/ml) compared to Cefixime. The results revealed significant antibacterial activity of molecules 4b, 4c and 4d against the two Gram-negative bacteria and 4b against S. aureus, with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.5 µg/mL, surpassing the reference drug. DFT calculations at B3LYP 6-311G (2d, p) basis set were employed for geometry optimization, stability and reactivity studies, including HOMO/LUMO, ΔEGAP, dipole moment, electronegativity, electrophilicity, and calculated thermodynamic descriptors (Enthalpy and Gibbs Free Energy). The molecular docking studies confirmed strong interactions between the synthesized compounds and proteins, with binding affinities ranging from -9.6 to -6.8 kcal/mol. Notably, diethyl (4-biphenyl (4-phenyldiazenyl) phenylamino) methylphosphonate (4b) demonstrated the highest efficiency, making it a promising antibacterial candidate according to both experimental and computational assessments.

Nadjiba Belhacini, Karima Alem, Amel Boumendjel, Mahfoud messarah. (2023), Evaluation of antioxidant and dermato-protective activities of Origanum vulgare extracts. Research journal of pharmacy and technology
Alem Karima; Louhichi Amel, Souici-Meslati Labiba, Ladjama Ali, Rebai Ahmed. (2017), Comparative study and classification of human chemokine receptors. Current Proteomics
Zekri M., Alem Karima., Souici-Meslati L. . (2015), Immunological Computation for Protein Function Prediction. Fundamenta Informaticae journal
Zekri Meriem, Alem Karima, Souici-Meslati labiba. (2011), Identification Methods of G Protein-Coupled Receptors. International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics,
Karima Alem, Amel.Louhichi, Ali.Ladjama and Ahmed. Rebai. (2007), - In silico investigation of intonless rhodopsin like G protein coupled receptors (GPCR) in the human genome features and classification . Les archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis

Résumé: The G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) form a large protein family in the human genome that have been widely studied and classified into classes and phylogenetic subfamilies. However, there still exist orphan GPCRs that are not classified in any of the known subfamilies and new bioinformatics approaches are still needed to address this issue. One of the interesting features of GPCRs is that a large proportion of these proteins are encoded by intronless genes. In this work, we are interested in the study of Rhodpsin-like GPCRs proteins encoded by this kind of genes. After a manual validation of their gene structure, we studied some of their properties including the number of exons, chromosomal location and protein length. The same trend was found for intronless GPCRs as compared to total GPCRs, particularly the uneven chromosomal distribution with a large number (one third) of GPCRs on chromosomes 1 and 11. The proportion of intronless GPCRs among all Rhdopsin-like GPCRs was estimated to about 26% which is significantly less than previously reported. Significant differences in protein length were found between subfamilies. We then used composition properties of DNA and protein sequences to classify intronless Rhodopsin-like GPCRs. Principal component analysis was used to identify key variable and then a discriminant analysis was used to compute discriminant functions that best separates the phylogenetic subfamilies. We found that the most important features to separates the groups is the proportion of aromatic amino acids in protein sequence and the contrast between (A+T) versus (G+C) in coding sequence. These functions are finally used to classify fourteen putative or unclassified GPCRs.

Publications nationales

DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA, CHENNA HOUSSEM. (2023), Virtual screening and molecular dynamics simulation study of plant-derived compounds 'Curcumin' and a drug 'Rosiglitazone' as potential agonists of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor PPAR-γ. NATIONAL SEMINAR ON PHYTOTHERAPY AND PHARMACOGNOSY "NSPP 2023"
Meriem Zekri, Labiba Souici-Meslati, Karima Alem. (2018), Hybridation PSO/ACO pour l’identification de fonction des protéines . Revue algérienne des sciences

Communications internationales

Belhacini Nadjiba Alem karima Boumendjel Amel Chaouki Bensouici Mahfoud MESSARAH. (2023), Évaluation des activités antioxydante et antidiabétiques des extraits de l`Origanum vulgare. 1st International Seminar on Applied Research in Food Sciences, Health & Environment
Allala Ilham, Alem Karima, Boumendjel Amel, Djouder Chaouki. (2023), Identification and Prediction of Allergenic Proteins in Lentils (Lens culinaris subsp.) in Silico approach. 4 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL SCIENCES
Allala Ilham, Alem Karima, Boumendjel Amel. (2023), The nutritional protein value of two legumes: coral lentil and chickpea. International Symposium on Chemical Analyses in Natural and Industrial Materials (ISCANIM'2023)
Allala Ilham, Alem Karima, Boumendjel Amel. (2023), Extraction of the water-soluble fraction of the food legume: Coral lentil. 3rd International Conference On Natural Health ( ICONAHE 2023)
Allala Ilham, Alem Karima, Boumendjel Amel, Djouder Chaouki, Khalfaoui Nour El Houda. (2023), Séparation des protéines hydrosolubles par électrophorèse sur gel de polyacrylamide en sodium dodécylsulfate (SDS-PAGE) 15% de la légumineuse : Pois chiche (Cicer arietinum L). 1st International Seminar on Applied Research in Food Sciences, Health & Environment
Djouder chaouki, Alem Karima, chenna Houssem, Allala Ilham, Boumendjel Amel, Messarah Mahfoud. (2023), Effects of the fungal pesticide dodineband curcumin on oxidative stress in rat’s livers. 1st International Seminar on Applied Research in Food Sciences, Health & Environment
Belhacini Nadjiba, Alem karima, Boumendjel Amel, Bensouici Chaouki. (2022), Étude de l’activite photo protectrice et antioxydante de l’extrait aqueux de la plante Origanum vulgare.. Séminaire international sur les biotechnologies au service de l'agriculture durable (SIBSAD-2022
Belhacini Nadjiba, Alem karima, Boumendjel Amel, Bensouici Chaouki. (2022), Étude de l’activite photo protectrice et antioxydante de l’extrait aqueux de la plante Origanum vulgare. Séminaire international sur les biotechnologies au service de l'agriculture durable (SIBSAD-2022).
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA, AOUISSI Chaima. (2022), Étude in silico de l’effet inhibiteur de la curcumine sur la COX-2 contre le 5-fluorouracile prescrit dans le traitement anticancéreux. 1 er Congrès International sur les Innovations dans la Chimie à visée Thérapeutique (1’ICTA 2022)
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA. (2022), Étude comparative entre les composés phytochimiques et le médicament prescrit dans le cas des colites ulcéreuses par modélisation moléculaire. The first Virtual International Seminar on Bioressources, Nutrition, and Health (ISBNH 2022)
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA. (2022), Étude comparative entre les composés phytochimiques et le médicament prescrit dans le cas des colites ulcéreuses par modélisation moléculaire. The first Virtual International Seminar on Bioressources, Nutrition, and Health (ISBNH 2022)
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA. (2022), Évaluation du potentiel anti-inflammatoire de la curcumine et onze composés phytochimiques dans l’inhibition de L’interleukine-6 responsable du syndrome de tempête de cytokines par docking moléculaire. Les Cinquièmes Journées Internationales de Chimie Organique de Annaba JICOA’22
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA, CHENNA HOUSSEM. (2022), Potential inhibitor effect of curcumin compared with SPD304 drug against TNFα, in silico study. 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA, CHENNA HOUSSEM. (2022), Study of curcumin and Tofacitinib as janus kinas signaling pathway inhibitors using molecular dynamics simulation. 1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences
Djouder Chaouki, Alem Karima.. (2021), - Chemokine-chemokine receptors prediction using machine learning. . The 3rd edition of international symposium of Young Researchers in Biology. Webinar,
Belhacini Nadjiba. Alem karima. Boumendjel Amel. Messarah Mahfoud.. (2020), Screening phytochimique et exploration de l'activité antibactérienne de l'huile essentielle extraite d'Origanum Vulgare. . Third International Symposium: Medicinal Plants and Materials (MPM 2020).
Alem Karima, Boulemden Ahmed.Besnaci Hana. . (2019), Technique d’apprentissage pour la déorphelinisation des chimiokines. . International Bioinformatic day.
Alem K. Boulemden Ahmed, besnaci hana. (2018), ,Bioinformatic analysis of human chemokine receptors. . 2nd international symposium of young researchers in biology.
Alem Karima, Hocine Allali, Lotfi Wissemeddine Lakhdari.. (2018), Etude comparative de l’activité antibactérienne entre l’extrait d’huile de la plante marrubium vulgare et l’antibiotique OROKEN 200 mg. . Quatrièmes journées internationales de chimie organique de Annaba.
Alem Karima, Khodja Serine, Bouslama Zihad, Abdelmalek Hocine, Litim Houda. Alem Samia.. (2017), Contribution à l’étude phytochimique et l’activité antibactérienne des huiles essentielles extraites de la plante Juniperus phoenicea. . VèmeCongrès international de Biotechnologie et Valorisation des Bioressources.
Alem Karima, Kachabia Lazhar, Ladjama Ali.. (2015), Contribution à l’étude in silico de l’interaction du GPR39-Zn par modélisatio moléculaire. Troisièmes journées internationales de chimie organique de Annaba
Alem K., Rebai A. . (2013), Bioinformatic Analysis of human olfactory G protein coupled recptors " ICBBBE . International conference on bioinformatics, computational biology and biomedical engineering
Zekri M., Alem K., Souici Meslati L.,. (2012), Méthodes d’identification de récepteurs couplés aux Protéines G: Un état de l’art. Conférence Internationale Maghrébine sur l’Extraction et la Gestion de Connaissances
Zekri M., Alem K., Souici Meslati L. (2011), Un Panorama des Applications de la Fouille de Données en Protéomique. Conférence Internationale Maghrébine sur l’Extraction et la Gestion de Connaissances
Alem Karima, Daoud H., Rebai Ladjama A.. (2009), Etude structurale des récepteurs olfactifs humains, . Séminaire international de Biochimie et Biologie moléculaire
Alem K., Louhichi A., Ladjama Rebai A.. (2008 ), Analyse bioinformatique des récepteurs de l’être humain, . 3ème Congrès de Biotechnologie de l’AMB et 19ème journées de l’ATBS
Alem Karima. et Rebai A.. (2007), Etude bioinformatiques des récepteurs adrénergiques. . 1ères journées internationales de physique des materiaux et ses applications
-K.Alem, A.Rebai.. (2007), Ligand of human G protein coupled receptor. International Conference on modeling and simulation ( MS’07 Algiers)
Alem K., Bouzerna N. et Djafer R.. (2004), Effets immunotoxiques du benzène chez les lapins Cunniculus lupus : Etude hématologique, immunologique et histologique, . Euromediterranean workshop in animal ecology

Communications nationales

Allala Ilham, Alem Karima, Boumendjel Amel. (2023), The nutritional value of chickpea protein. 1er Séminaire National sur la Sécurité Alimentaire en Algérie : Défis et Perspectives
Allala Ilham, Alem Karima, Boumendjel Amel, Djouder Chaouki, Khelfaoui Nour el houda. (2023), Extraction des albumines et globulines des graines de pois chiche (Cicer arietinum) et pois ((Pisum sativum) . Conférence Nationale sur les phyto-biotechnologies Webinaire (Première Edition)
Allala Ilham, Alem Karima, Boumendjel Amel, Djouder Chaouki, Khalfaoui Nour El Houda. (2023), Extraction des protéines hydrosolubles de la graine : pois ((Pisum sativum) et leur séparation par électrophorèse SDS-PAGE
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA, CHENNA HOUSSEM, ALLALA ILHAM. (2023), Comparative In Silico Study on the Potential Inhibitory Effects of Curcumin and TD139 Against Galectin. THE FIRST NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM WATER, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT WHE 2023
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA, CHENNA HOUSSEM, ALLALA ILHAM. (2023), Evaluation of the anti-cancer potential of the phytochemical compound 'curcumin' against Pirtobrutinib 'LOXO-305' in the inhibition of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) responsible for leukemic diseases related to B-cell Effects of the fungal pesticide dodineband curcumin on oxidative stress in rat’s livers . 2nd National Conference on Applied Science and Advanced Materials NCASAM 2023
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA. (2022), Effet inhibiteur de la curcumine sur la cyclooxygénase par amarrage moléculaire.. 1er Séminaire National sur : « La Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles et de l’environnement » (VRNE 2022)
DJOUDER CHAOUKI, ALEM KARIMA. (2022), Activité anti-inflammatoire d'un puissant inhibiteur sélectif de la 5-lipoxygénase "curcumine" en comparaison avec Zileuton. 1er SEMINAIRE NATIONAL SUR LA BIODIVERSITE DE LA FAUNE ET LA FLORE EN ALGERIE (SNBFFA1)
Belhacini Nadjiba, Alem karima, Boumendjel Amel, Bensouici Chaouki. (2021), Étude in vitro des effets antioxydante et anti-uréase de l’extrait d'Origanum vulgare. Le 1er Séminaire National de Biologie Végétale et Environnement « SNBVE 2021 »
Belhacini Nadjiba, Alem karima, Boumendjel Amel, Bensouici Chaouki. (2021), Exploration de l'activite antioxydante et anticholinesterase d'huile essentielle extraite d'Origanum vulgare
Belhacini Nadjiba, Alem karima, Boumendjel Amel, Bahri Laide. (2021), Contribution à l’étude de l’activité anti-inflammatoire de la plante Origanum vulgare chez les rats de la souche Wistar sensibilisés au carraghénane.. National Doctoral Day and Research Posters FSNV
Alem K. et Rebai A.. (2006), Pollution des eaux et cancer des poumons. 3ème Séminaire scientifique et technique sur l’envirennement
Alem K. et Rebai A.. (2006), Analyse structurale du récepteur couplé à la protéine G154 impliqué dans le cancer du poumon,. 6ème Symposium national de chimie organique industrielle et pharmaceutique
Alem K. et Rebai A. . (2005), Analyse bioinformatique du récepteur couplé à la protéine G4 impliqué dans le cancer de l'ovaire, . IVèmes journées scientifiques de l’ADRS
Alem K. Bouzerna N. , Djafer Rachid.. (2005), Dosage du phénol urinaire chez les ouvriers exposés au polluant atmosphérique. Premières journées nationales de génie des procédés
Alem K., Bouzerna N. et Djafer R. . (2004), Immunotoxicité du benzène. 1ères journées du département de pharmacie (Annaba)