Publications internationales

Charifi Samia, Merad Tarek, Guellati Fatma Zohra, Touati Hassen, Bensouilah Mourad . (2019), Dynamic of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Dam Ain Zada (North of Algeria)’’.. Journal of Ecological Engineering; Volume 20, Issue 5, May 2019, pages 97–110..
L. Benhalima, T. Merad, M. Bensouilah and R. Ouzrout . (2019), Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species in raw milk and sausage in East Algeria. . Asian J. Dairy & Food Res, 38(1) 2019: 7-11. Print ISSN:0971-4456 / Online ISSN:0976-0563
Hassen Touati, Fatma Zohra Guellati, Salah Arif, Mourad Bensouilah . (2019), Cyanobacteria Dynamics in a Mediterranean Reservoir of the North East of Algeria: Vertical and Seasonal Variability. Journal of Ecological Engineering; Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2019, pages 93–107.
Lamia Benhalima, Sandra Amri, Mourad Bensouilah, Rachid Ouzrout . (2019), Antibacterial effect of copper sulfate against multi-drug resistant nosocomial pathogens isolated from clinical samples.. Pak J Med Sci September - October 2019 Vol. 35 No. 5 : , DOI:
Menasria A, Barčák D, Kaouachi N, Bensouilah M, Scholz T, Hernández-Orts JS . (2019), Redescription of Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis) maroccanus (Dollfus, 1951) (Acanthocephala: Quadrigyridae), a parasite of the Algerian barb Luciobarbus callensis (Valenciennes) (Cyprinidae) in Algeria, and first molecular data. Journal of Helminthology 1–12. https://
Naima Khelifi, Imene Boucenna, Nouha Kaouachi, Fatiha Sahtout, Mourad Bensouillah, Chahinaise Bouallag . (2019), Reproductive biology of Carassius carassius (Cyprinidae) in Beni Haroun Dam, Algeria. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation (2019) 12 (3) : 822-831
Yousria Gasmi, Jean-Pierre Denizot, Mourad Bensouilah . (2018), ’The alteration in the neuromasts of the system of the lateral line of a freshwater fish Gambusia affinis by various xenobiotics. IJB, Vol. 12, No. 1, p. 279-293, 2018
Sehili Nadira, Arif Salah, Belhaoues Saber, HassenTouati, Bensouilah Mourad . (2018), ’The effect of environmental factors on rotifers abundance in Oubeira Lake (North East of Algeria). IJB, Vol. 12, No. 4, p. 158-171, 2018
Lamia Benhalima, Skander Kadri, Choukri Barour, Mourad Bensouilah and Rachid Ouzrout . (2018), Water Quality Assessment of a Coastal Canal within a Protected Zone in Algeria using Principal Component Analysis. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 11(31)DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i31/103479, August 2018
Mohammed Khalil Mellal, Rabah Zebsa, Mourad Bensouilah, Moussa Houhamdi & Rassim Khelifa . (2018), Aspects of the emergence ecology of the regionally endangered Coenagrion mercuriale (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) in Northeast Algeria. Zoology and Ecology
Mohamed Khalil Mellal, Mourad Bensouilah, Moussa Houhamdi, Rassim Khelifa . (2018), Reproductive habitat provisioning promotes survival and reproduction of the endangered endemic damselfly Calopteryx exul . Journal of Insect Conservation
Lamia Bensaâd-Bendjedid, Saber Belhaoues, Asma Kerdoussi, Naouel Djebbari, Mardja Tahri, Mourad Bensouilah . (2018), Age structure, growth and shell form of Cerastoderma glaucum (Bivalvia: Cardiidae) from El Mellah lagoon, Algeria. AACL, Bioflux vol 11, issue 3 (2018) : Print ISSN: 18448143/Online ISSN: 18449166,
Mardja Tahri, Lamia Bensaâd-Bendjedid, Amina Dahel, Nawel Djebbari, Nadir Nouara and Mourad Bensouilah . (2018), ’’Site specificity - not everything is everywhere - case of gill ectoparasites of European eel Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) (Park National of El Kala, Algeria). Cah. Biol. Mar. (2018) 59 : 71-78 : Print ISSN: 0007-9723 / Online ISSN: 2262-3094,
Houda Berrouk, Mounia Tolba, Imene Boucenna, Moundji Touarfia, Mourad Bensouilah, Nouha Kaouachi, Chahinez Boualleg. (2018), Copepod Parasites of the Gills of Luciobarbus Callensis (Valencienne, 1842) and Carassius Carassius (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cyprinid Fish) Collected from Beni Haroun Dam (Mila, Algeria). . World Journal of Environmental Biosciences 2018, Volume7, Issue 4: 1-7. : Print ISSN: 2277- 8047 ,
Fatiha Sahtout., Chahinez Boualleg., Nouha Kaouachi., Naima Khelifi, Amel Menasria., Mourad Bensouillah. (2018), Feeding habits of Cyprinus carpio in Foum El Khanga Dam,Souk-Ahras, Algeria. AACL Bioflux, 2018, Volume 11, Issue 2
Naima Khélifi, Iméne Boucenna, Chahinez Boualleg, Nouha kaouachi, Fatiha Sahtout, Mourad Bensouillah. (2018), Etude de la croissance du carassin commun Carassius carassius (linnaeus, 1758) du barrage Béni Haroun (Mila, Algérie). Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 2018, 143(4) : 213-226. : Print ISSN: 0037962X ,
Iméne Boucenna, Naima Khélifi, Chahinez Boualleg, Amel Allalgua, Mourad Bensouillah et Nouha Kaouachi. (2018), l’infestation de Luciobarbus callensis (cyprinidés) par les copépodes parasites dans le barrage Foum El Khanga (Souk-Ahras, Algérie). Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 2018, 143(4) : 201-214 : Print ISSN: 0037962X ,
Fatma Zohra Guellati, Hassen Touati, Kevin Tambosco, Catherine Quiblier, Jean François Humbert, Mourad Bensouilah . (2017), ’Unusual cohabitation and competition between Planktothrix rubescens and Microcystis sp. (cyanobacteria) in a subtropical reservoir (Hammam Debagh) located in Algeria. Plos One August 31, 2017 :,
Amel Saoudi, Luc Brient, Sabrine Boucetta, Rachid Ouzrout, Myriam Bormans, Mourad Bensouilah . (2017), ’Management of toxic cyanobacteria for drinking water production of Ain Zada Dam’’. Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189:361 : DOI 10.1007/s10661-017-6058-4 ,
Sandra Amri, Mourad Bensouilah and Kheireddine Ouali. (2017), ’Variation of the Condition Index and Sex-ratio of the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus in the Southeast Mediterranean. J. Biol. Sci., 17: 76-83.Print ISSN: 1727-3048 / Online ISSN: 1812-5719
Saber Belhaoues, Sandra Amri, Mourad Bensouilah, Ratiba Séridi . (2017), ’Antioxidant, antibacterial activities and phenolic content of organic fractions obtained from Chamaerops humilis L. leaf and fruit’’. Int. J. Biosci., Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 284-297, July 28, 2017. : .,
Kadri Skander, Belhaoues Saber, Touati Hassen, Boufafa Mouna, Djebbari Nawel et Bensouilah Mourad . (2017), Environmental parameters and bacteriological quality of the Perna perna mussel (North East Algerian Coast). . Int. J. Biosci., Vol. 11, No. 5, p. 151-165, 2017. : Print ISSN: 2220-6655 / Online ISSN: 2222-5234,
Aicha Djabourabi, Hassen Touati, Nadira Sehili, Mariem Imen Boussadia, Mourad Bensouilah . (2017), Study of the physicochemical parameters of water and phytoplankton in Lake Tonga (wetland of the national park of El Kala, North East of Algeria). IJB Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 213-226, September 29, 2017. : , Print ISSN: 2220-6655 / Online ISSN: 2222-5234
Lamia Bensaad-Bendjedid, Saber Belhaoues, Asma Kerdoussi, Naoual Djebbari, Mardja Tahri, Mourad Bensouilah . (2017), ’Age, growth, mortality and condition index of an unexploited Ruditapes decussatus population from El Mellah lagoon Algeria’’. . IJB Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 436-442, July 31, 2017. : , Print ISSN: 2220-6655 / Online ISSN: 2222-5234
Mardja Tahri, Saber Belhaoues, Nadir Nouara, Imen Ladjama, Amina Tania Dahel, Nawel Djebbari, Mourad Bensouilah, Mohammed Ramdani, Roger Flower. (2017), Scenario for parasitic infestation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in Oubeїra Lake (northeastern Algeria). IJB Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 10-19, September 14, 2017. :, Print ISSN: 2220-6655 / Online ISSN: 2222-5234
Amel Bouakkaz, Khawla Belhassini, Taqiyeddine Bensouilah, Mourad Abdelkrim Bensouilah, Moussa Houhamdi . (2017), Breeding behaviour of the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) in a salt marsh from the Eastern High Plateaux, northeast Algeria.. ’’Journal of King Saud University – Science (2017) 29, 291–301 : Print ISSN: 1018-3647/Online ISSN: 2213-686X /,
Kerdoussi Asma, Belhaoues Saber, Bensaad-Bendjedid Lamia, Touati Hassen, Bensouilah Mourad . (2017), Study of weight gain and reproduction in the Perna perna mussel using a standard animal. . IJB Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 218-230, December 30, 2017. :,
Boutabia-Trea Saliha, Habachi Waffa and Bensouilah Mourad . (2017), ’Assessment of Metallic Trace Elements Using the Seagrass Posidonia oceanica and the Surface Sediment from North Eastern of Algeria’’. . Asian J. Biol. Sci., 2017. : DOI: 10.3923/ajbs.2017 , Print ISSN: 1996-3351 / Online ISSN: 2222-5234
Amel Allalgua, Nouha Kaouachi, Chahinez Boualeg, Adel Ayari, Bensouilah Mourad . (2017), Caractérisation Physico-Chimique Des Eaux Du Barrage Foum El-Khanga (Region De Souk-Ahras, Algérie). European Scientific Journal, April 2017 edition Vol.13, No.12 p. 258. : doi: 10.19044/esj.2017.v13n12p258, Print ISSN: 1857-7881/ Online ISSN: 1857-7431.
Fatiha Sahtout, Chahinez Boualleg, Naima Khelifi, Nouha Kaouachi, Billel Boufekane, Sarra Brahmia, Wahiba Mouaissia, Mourad Bensouilah . (2017), Study of some biological parameters of Cyprinus carpio from Foum El-Khanga Dam, Souk-Ahras, Algeria. AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 4, p. 663-674. :, Print ISSN: 18448143 / Online ISSN: 18449166
Mouaissia Wahiba, Kaouachi Nouha, Boualleg Chahinez, Tolba Mounia, Khelifi Naima, Sahtout Fatiha, Bensouilah Mourad . (2017), Reproductive biology of Algerian barb Luciobarbus callensis (Valenciennes, 1842) (Cyprinidae) in Beni Haroun dam, north-east of Algeria. AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 6. 1671 :, Print ISSN: 18448143 / Online ISSN: 18449166
Amel Allalgua, Nouha Kaouachi, Adel Ayari, Chahinez Boualleg et Mourad Bensouilah . (2017), Étude comparative de la qualité physicochimique des eaux des barrages Ain Dalia Et Foum El-Khanga, région De Souk-Ahras (Algérie). Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 2017, 142(2) : 63-76. : Print ISSN: 0037962X.,
Tahri Mardja, Djebbari Nawel, Nouara Nadir and Bensouilah Mourad . (2017), Anguillicolosis Infection and Pathological Status of the Swim Bladder Wetland Eels (Extreme North-East of Algeria). Asian J. Biol. Sci., 10 (3): 90-97, 2017. : Print ISSN: 1996-3351/Online ISSN: 2222-5234.,
Naima Khelifi, Chahinez Boualleg, Fatiha Sahtout, Nouha Kaouachi, Wahiba Mouaissia, Mourad Bensouilah . (2017), Feeding habits of Carassius carassius (Cyprinidae) in Beni Haroun Dam (north-east of Algeria). . AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 6. : , Print ISSN: 18448143 / Online ISSN: 18449166.
Amina Dahel, Mardja Tahri, Mourad Bensouilah, Rachid Amara, Borhane Djebar . (2016), Growth, age and reproduction of Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) and Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) in the Algerian eastern coasts . AACL Bioflux, 2016, Volume 9, Issue 5. :, Print ISSN: 18448143/Online ISSN: 18449166.
Ladjama Imane, Djebbari Nawel, Ladjama Ali, Bensouilah Mourad. (2016), Health status of the swim bladder of the European eel Anguilla anguilla in northeastern Algeria’s Lake Oubeira . International Journal of Fisheries and aquatic Studies 2016; 4(1):364-369 : Print ISSN: 2394-0506 / Online ISSN: 2347-5129.,
Tahri M., Crivelli A.J., Panfili J. et Bensouilah . (2016), First data on growth and silvering process of European eel Anguilla anguilla of the lake Oubeira (Algerian northeast). Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology, 11(2): 10-18, 2016 : Print ISSN 1816-9112.,
Brahmia S., Barour C., Abbaci S., Bouallag C. and Bensouilah M. . (2016), Environmental parameters and parasitism in common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) caught from Oubeira Lake (North-East of Algeria). Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology, 11(4): 27-36, 2016 : Print ISSN: 1816-9112.,
Tahri M. et Bensouilah M.. (2016), First data on growth and silvering process of European eel Anguilla anguilla of the lake Oubeira (Algerian northeast). . Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology, 11(2): 10-18, 2016
Boutabia–Trea Saliha, Habbachi Wafa and Bensouilah Mourad. (2015), Evaluation of the Metallic Contamination Level in the Gulf of Annaba (North-eastern Algeria) Using a Posidonia oceanica (L) Delile. Adv. Environ. Biol., 9(2), 75-81, 2015
Saoudi Amel, Barour Choukri, Brient Luc, Ouzrout Rachid, Bensouilah Mourad . (2015), Environmental Parameters and Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria in the Reservoir of Mexa (Extreme North-East of Algeria) . Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(11) June 2015, Pages : 109-121
Kadri Skander, Dahel Amina, Djebbari Nawel, Barour Choukri and Bensouilah Mourad . (2015), Environmental Parameters Influence on the Bacteriological Water Quality of the Algerian North East Coast . Adv. Environ. Biol., 9 (18) August 2015, Pages : 180-189
Boussadia Meriem Imen, Nadira Sehili, Aissam Bousbia, Rachid Ouzrout and Mourad Bensouilah . (2015), The effect of Environmental Factors on Cyanobacteria Abundance in Oubeira Lake (Northeast Algeria) . Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology 10(14) October 2015, pages: 157-168.
Benhalima Lamia, Bensouilah Mourad, Ouzrout Rachid. (2015), Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Waters of Messida Coastal Canal within an Agricultural Area (North-East Algeria) . Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(18) August 2015, pages : 147-156
Boucenna Iméne, Chahinez Boualleg, Nouha Kaouachi, Amel Allalgua, Amel Menasria, Mohamed Cherif Maazi, Choukri Barour & Mourad Bensouilah . (2015), L’infestation de la population de cyprinus carpio (linnaeus, 1758) par les copépodes parasites dans le barrage Foum El Khanga (Souk-Ahras, Algérie) . Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 2015, 140 (3) : 163-179
Allalgua Amel, Sara Guerfi, Nouha Kaouachi, Chahinez Boualleg, Iméne Boucenna, Choukri Barour, Amel Menasria & Mourad Bensouilah . (2015), l’infestation de cyprinus carpio (cyprinidés) peuplant le barrage Foum El Khanga (Souk-Ahras, Algérie) par les monogènes parasites . Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 2015, 140 (3) : 217-232
Telailia S., L. Boutabia, E. Bensaci, A. Boucheker, M. F. Samar, M. C. Maazi, M. Saheb, M. A. Bensouilah and M. Houhamdi.. (2015), Demographic development of breeding populations of yellowlegged gull larus michahellis naumann, 1840 on the small islands and along the coastline of numidia (north-eastern Algeria) . The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25(4): 2015, Page: 1160-1167
Djebbari Nawel, Hamza Imen, Ladjama Imane, Kaouachi Nouha, Barour Choukri and Bensouilah Mourad . (2015), Environmental Parameters and Temporal Dynamics of Anguillicoides crassus in Tonga Lake and Mafrag estuary (North-East of Algeria)”. . Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology, 10(14) October 2015, pages : 147-156.
Djabourabi Aicha, Sehili Nadira, Boussaadia Imen, Samar Faouzi et Bensouilah Mourad . (2014), Fluctuations des paramètres physico chimiques et des communautés phytoplanctoniques dans le lac Oubeira (Nord Est algérien) . E.J.S.R. vol. 118 N°2 february, 2014, pp. 183-196
Kaouachi N, Quilichini Y, Djebbari N., Boualleg C, Ternengo S., Gouasmia G., Barour C. & Bensouilah M. . (2014), Detecting monogenean indicator species from teleost fishes of the eastern Algerian coastline using the IndVal method. . Cahiers de Biologie Marine (2014) 55: 295-304
Salah Telailia, Lamia Boutabia, Mourad-Abdelkrim Bensouilah and Moussa Houhamdi, (2014). . (2014), Breeding biology of Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) in North East Algeria. . Int. J. Curr. Sci., 11: 120-127
Kaouachi N, Séridi M., Boualleg C, Djebbari N. & Bensouilah M. . (2013), Analyse de la richesse spécifique des monogènes parasites des poisons de l’Est du littoral algérien. . Bull.Soc.zool.Fr., 2013, 138 (1-4) : 127-138
Boualleg C, Kaouachi N, Quilichini Y, Ternengo S & Bensouilah M. . (2013), Site and host influence on two teleost fish parasites in Algeria using indicator species analysis. . Cahiers de Biologie Marine 54:19-24.
Telailia Salah, Boutabia Lamia, Saheb Menouar, Bensouilah Mourad et Houhamdi Moussa . (2013), Breeding biology of Eleonora’s Falcon, Falco eleonorae Gené, 1839 (Accipitriformes Falconidae), in Northeast Algeria at Sérigina Island. . Biodiversity Journal. 4(1): 117-124. :,
Chahinez Boualleg, Nouha Kaouachi, Sonia Ternengo, Yann Quilichini, Nawel Djebbari, Bernard Marchand Et Mourad Bensouilah . (2013), Specificité Parasitaire Des Copépodes Parasites Algériens Et Diversité Phylogénétique Des Poissons-Hôtes. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 2013, 138 (1-4) : 37-52.
Narjess Bouzidi, Leila Aoun, Mourad Zeghdoudi, Mourad bensouilah, Rachid Elgroud, Ibtissem Oucief, Sophie A Granier, Anne Brisabois, Loïc Desquilbet, Yves Millemann . (2012), Salmonella contamination of laying-hen flocks in two regions of Algeria. . Food Research International 45 (2012) 897-904.
Kaouachi N, Boualleg C, Bensouilah M & Quilichini Y.. (2012), Les Monogènes parasites du genre Diplodus dans l’Est du littoral algérien. . Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la Vie. 34 (1), 57-63.
Boualleg C, Kaouachi N & Bensouilah M.. (2012), L’infestation de douze espèces de Sparidae par le parasite Gnathia sp. (Isopoda: Gnathiidae) dans le littoral est-algérien. . Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la vie. 34 (1), 65-70.
Boualleg C., Kaouachi N., Seridi M., Ternengo S. and Bensouilah M. . (2011), Copepod parasites of gills of 14 teleost fish species caught in the gulf of Annaba (Algeria) ». . African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 5(25), pp. 4253-4559.
Kaouachi Nouha, Chahinez Boualleg, Mourad Bensouilah and Bernard Marchand . (2010), Monogenean parasites in Sparid fish (Pagellus genus) in eastern Algeria coastline .. African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 4 (10), pp. 989-993, 18 May, 2010.
Boualleg Chahinez, Hadda Ferhati, Nouha Kaouachi, Mourad Bensouilah and Sonia Ternengo . (2010), The Copepod parasite of the gills of four teleost fishes caught from the gulf of Annaba (Algeria) . African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 4(9), pp. 801-807, 4 May, 2010.
Chahinez Boualleg, Mounira Seridi, Nouha Kaouachi, Yann Quiliquini et Mourad Bensouilah . (2010), Les copépodes parasites des poisons téléostéens du littoral est algérien. Bulletin de l'institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la vie, 2010, N°32(2), 65-72.
Djebbari N., Boudjadi Z., et Bensouilah M.. (2009), L'infestation de l'anguille Anguilla anguilla L., 1758 par le parasite Anguillicola crassus Kuwahara, Niimi & Itagaki,1974 dans le complexe de zones humides d'El Kala (Nord-Est algérien). Bulletin de l'institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la vie, 2009, N°31(1), 45-50.
Ramdane Zouhir, Bensouilah Mourad Abdelkrim et Trilles Jean-Paul . (2009), Etude comparative des crustacés isopodes et copépodes ectoparasites de poissons marins algériens et marocains . Cybium 2009 33(2) : 123-131.
Boudjadi Zehaira, Tahri Mardja, Djebarri Nawel, Hamza Imen et Bensouilah Mourad . (2009), Etude de l’infestation des anguilles (Anguilla anguilla) par le nématode (Anguillicola crassus) dans l’estuaire du Mafrag (Nord Est algérien) ». . Mésogée volume 65 (2009), pp 59-66.
Dib Loubna, Bitam Idir, Tahri Marja, Bensouilah Mourad and De Meeüs Thierry . (2008), Competitive Exclusion between Piroplasmosis and Anaplasmosis Agents within Cattle. PLoS Pathogens, January 2008/volume 4/issue1/e7
Souissi Mohamed, Ouali Kheireddine, Hadj Moussa Wylia, Rouachdia Roquia, Djabourabi Aicha and Bensouilah Mourad . (2008), Proportioning of Biomarkers (GSH, GST, AchE, Catalase) indicator of pollution at Gambusia affinis (Teleostei Fish) exposed to cadmium . Environmental Research Journal 2 (4) : 177-181 ; 2008
Denizot J-P., Bensouilah M., Roesler R., Schugardt C., Kirschbaum F... (2007), Larval electroreceptors in the epidermis of mormyrid fish. J. Comp. Neurol. 2007 Feb 13: 501 (5): 810-823.
Ramdane Z., Bensouilah M. et Trilles J-P. . (2007), The Cymothoidae (Crustacea, Isopoda), parasites on marine fishes, from Algerian fauna. Belg. J. Zool., 137 (1): 67-74 January 2007
Khati W., Ouali K., Bensouilah M., Gnassia-Barelli M. et Romeo M.. (2007), Effet du cadmium sur certains biomarqueurs de stress chez la moule Perna perna du golfe d’Annaba (Algérie) . Mésogée, volume 63 (2007), pp 51-57.
Bensouilah M., Schugardt C., Roesler R., Kirschbaum F Et Denizot J-P.. (2002), Larval electroreceptor in the epidermis of Mormyrid fish: I. Tuberous organs of type A and B. . J. Comp. Neurol. 447: 309-322 (2002).
Bensouilah M., Denizot J-P., Schugardt C.. (2000), Electrorécepteurs larvaires dans l’épiderme des alevins de Campylomormyrus cassaicus et de Pollimyrus isidori (Mormyridae, Osteoglossomorpha) . Cybium 2000, 24 (3) suppl. : 41-47. (2000)
Denizot J-P., Kirschbaum F., Schugardt C., Bensouilah M.: J-P., Kirschbaum F., Schugardt C., . (1998), Larval electroreceptors indicate a larval system in mormyrids. . Neuroscience letters 241 pp: 1-4 (1998).
Djebar B., Bensouilah M., Denizot J-P. . (1995), Ultrastructural Distribution of Calcium in Cutaneous Electroreceptors Organs of Teleost Fish. . Biotechnic & Histochemistry, vol.70, N° 2 :81-89. (1995).
Bensouilah M., Veron-Ravaille M., Blahser S., Denizot J-P... (1995), Sur la différenciation post embryonnaire d’un électrorécepteur cutané . C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie 318 : 1029-350 (1995).
Djebar B., Bensouilah M., Thomasset M., Denizot J-P. . (1995), Immunohistochemical Localization of Calbindin - D28K (CaBP 28K) in the Projections of Teleost Fish Electromotoneuron : a comparison of its Distribution with Endogenous Calcium. . Acta Histochem. Cytochem. Vol. 28 N°4 pp : 291-298 (1995).
Bensouilah M., Denizot J-P. : . (1994), New Formation of sensory Cell in Deafferented Tuberous Organ of the Gymnotid Fish Eigenmannia virescens. J. of Neurosc. Res. 39 : 545-555. (1994)
Bensouilah M., Blahser S., Denizot J-P.. (1992), Evolution, durant le développement ontogénétique des gymnotidés, de l ‘expression de la Substance P dans les organes tubéreux (électrorécepteurs) . C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 314, Série III, p. 317-324, (1992).
Bensouilah M., Denizot J-P. . (1991), Taste buds and neurromasts of Astyanax jordani: Distribution and immunohistochemical demonstration, of co-localized Substance P and Enkephalins. . European J. of Neurosc. Vol. 3 pp 407-414 (1991).
Bensouilah M., Denizot J-P., Blahser S. . (1991), Immunohistochemical identification of Substance P in cutaneous sensory organs electroreceptors of gymnotid teleost fish. . Cell Tissue Res. 266 pp 499-506 (1991).

Publications nationales

Gasmi Y., Rouachdia R., Ouali K., Kati W., Bensouilah M. et Denizot J-P (2010) . (2010), Effets du cadmium sur l’activité de l’acétylcholinestérase et sur les cellules ciliées du système de la ligne latérale de Gambusia affinis (poisson Téléostéen) . »Sciences & Technologie C-N°32, décembre (2010) pp 59-62.
Belabed Bourhane Eddine, Djabourabi Aicha Et Bensouilah Mourad . (2008), Teneurs en Plomb, Cadmium, Mercure et zinc relevées dans la chair de la moule, Perna perna, récoltée dans le littoral d’Annaba. Revue des sciences et technologie de l’université d’Annaba, Synthèse, N°18 juillet 2008, pp 12-22 : Revue des sciences et technologie de l’université d’Annaba,
Souissi M., Chaibi R., Bouallag C., Bensouilah M. Et Melizi M . (2004), Les Cyanophycées d’un plan d’eau douce (le lac Oubeira-El Kala) ; Inventaire et répartition spatiale ».. Sciences & Technologie. Algérie. C – N°22, Déc.2004, pp 38 – 42.
Djebar A.B. ; Messerer Y. ; Tandjir L. Et Bensouilah M . (2003), Equilibres hydrologiques du lac Mellah (Complexe lacustre d’El Kala) . Sciences & technologie n° 20 ; Décembre 2003 pp, 15-20
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