Publications internationales

LOAI Aljerf, MIKE Williams, ATEM BETHEL Ajong, UKAOGO PRINCE Onydinma, FAROUK Dehmchi, VT Pham, SUHASINI Bhatnagar, NASSER Belboukhar. (2021), Comparative study of the biochemical response behavior of some highly toxic minerals on selenosis in rats. Revista de Chimie -Bucharest- Original Edition- 72(2):9-18 DOI: 10.37358/RC.21.2.8415 LicenseCC BY 4.0 : Publisher: Revista de Chimie SRL ,

Résumé: Abstract Many researchers have studied the metabolism of toxics including selenium (Se) in biological medium in rats and defined some correlations between selenium and other minerals as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and thallium (Tl). An investigation of the potential influences of As, Hg, Tl and Pb on Se metabolism, which can suggest new drugs to cope the poisonousness of Se. The current study also has looked into the potential use of As(III)/As(V) toxic in the treatment of essential mineral Se in the animals (as rats) based on sequestration of these toxic elements into biologically inert complexes, reflecting the enormous interest in this subject. The acute studies have been initially achieved by shaping the pulmonary and biliary excretions of the volatile Se in neonatal masculine Holtzman rats which were injected with selenite subcutaneously in the hind flank, then the volatile Se was trapped in 8N HNO3 and the radioselenate detected in a scintillation counter. The chronic cases were carried out with the nursing of rats with a purified diet of water-soluble vitamin mix, fat-soluble vitamin mix, saccharides, oil, and salts. One week after the basic diet, the rats taken Se have received diets containing 10 ppm of the element as sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) or selenate (Na2SeO4) added in the salts. The calorimeter was used to analyze Se in the frozen tissue specimens. As, Hg, and Tl were repressed the volatized Se excreted from the lungs. As has assisted the biliary excretion of Se and inhibited the chronic selenosis. Tl has increased the retention of Se in the liver and kidney, but, had no chronic effect on the amount of Se deposited in all the studied tissues. Similarly, Hg has increased the retention of Se but in the spleen and carcass of rats indicating to the high Se concentration in blood. Hg and Tl have inhibited the Se in urine. No effects of the doses rich in As, Hg, and Tl on the Se excretion in fecal. Even though, we suggest As as a possible medication to chronic selenosis

L Aljerf, D Dastan, S Sajjadifar, S Bhatnagar, PO Ukaogo, F Dehmchi. (2019), Guidelines for the preparation and isolation of Radionuclides produced with in-house cyclotrons bombardments Open J. Chem 5 (1), 020-029. Revue Open J. Chem Volume 5 Numéro 1 Pages 020-029 Nombre total de citations Cité 13 fois : Peertechz Publisher ID: 10.17352,

Résumé: Carrier-free radioisotopes and cyclotrons are largely manufactured and sold in market in high prices, even many challenges are facing isotopes production in industry. Thus, we came here to introduce valuable and easy working conditions using different thick target materials under well-defined irradiations to separate some important isotopes. As a result, in carrier-free form, the present work has successfully isolated seventeen most common cosmogenic and biological radioisotopes recommended by the IAEA-TECDOC-1211, Charged Particle Cross-section Database for Medical Radioisotope Production: Diagnostic Radioisotopes and Monitor Reactions, and the IAEA, in addition to US National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) databases.

Loai Aljerf, Farouk Dehmchi, Viet Ty Pham, Ala Eldin Choukaife. (2019), Polyurethane Foam in a Reliable Method for Electrophoretic Separation of Proteins. American Research Journal of Chemistry, 2019 : American Research Journals ,,

Résumé: Proteins are used in such industrial and clinical applications [1-3]; however, their separations are still a major challenge. In this field, different chromatographic methods used to separate and to purify protein or (more often) peptide in solution based on size, charge or overall hydrophobicity as size exclusion chromatography, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), affinity chromatography (AC), hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC), ion exchange chromatography (IEC), reversed phase chromatography (RPC), and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [4-8]. Other teams also used magnetic [9] and electrophoresis to purify proteins

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