Publications internationales

A.Iftikhar , S. Hussain,H. Ilyas, Z.Layouni Zoubir, M.Javed, and M.A Z.Raja. (2023), Integrated Stochastic Investigation of Singularly Perturbed Delay Differential Equations for the Neuronal Variability Model”.. International Journal of Intelligent Systems : Hindawi ,
Z.Layouni, M.Suhail . (2023), Model for Generalized Assignement Problem. Bilinear Case . Journal of Economics and Applied Statistics.Volume 20, Numéro 1, Pages 140-148
Muhammad Suhail, Layouni Zoubir. (2021), Performance of variance ratio tests in presence of heterodiusticity: Application to stock returns data in Pakistan. Linguistica Antverpiensia
(2019), A Survey on Algorithms for Consecutive Ones Block Minimization Problem. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science : (IJSEAS) – Volume‐4, Issue‐6, June 2019 ISSN: 2395‐3470 ,

Résumé: Abstract: This paper survey highlight on algorithms for the well-known problem called consecutive ones block minimization. This is a NP-Hard problem which tries to reach to a feasible solution in polynomial time. All approaches seem to be based on two subsidiaries which start by searching how to obtain the consecutive ones propriety, second explore the approximation theory. This can be done by the introduction of notion of approximability preserving reduction. The aim of this survey is to present and discusses the last development of the structural aspects of the polynomial time approximation theory for this problem, it’s includes several recent results about completeness in approximability classes and interesting applications.

(2015), NUMERICAL ANALYSIS ALGORITHM FOR INSPECTION POLICY PROCEDURE. Jurnal Teknologi Université Technologique de Malaisie : Copyright © 2012 Penerbit UTM Press, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.,

Résumé: In this paper, we present some tools helping us to make decision i.e., designing an optimal inspection measure. The approach is developed in search proposed by Hemodialysis center health, an implementation and computation program is developed. This problem has also applications in the theories of reliability and can be modeled by a Markov chain structure; this can be done by parallel series or series parallel coherent structures. The algorithms are encouraging and measure can be found

(2008), Consecutive block minimization is 1.5-approximable. Inf. Process. Lett. 108(3): 132-135 (2008) : Inf. Process. Lett.,

Résumé: We present a polynomial-time heuristic for the Consecutive Block Minimization Problem such that the solutions generated do not differ from optimal by more than 50%.

Communications internationales

M.Suhail, Z Layouni. (2022), Performance of some new robust ridge estimators. 14th International CM, Actuarial Science and Statistics (MACS). : Publisher: IEEE Xplore,
Layouni Zoubir. (2021), An Heuristic based on Markov Chain for a Maintenance system. International Conference on Science engineering and technological InnovationJuly, 2021. Bangkok, Thailand : ACIT 2021,
Layouni Zoubir. (2019), heuristic for consecutive block minimization : Algorithm and results. ACIT 2021 IEEE Publisher in proceeding Oman : IEEE Xplore,

Communications nationales

Zoubir Layouni. (2022), L'intelligence Artificielle : Innovation dans tous les secteurs . Conférence nationale sur les entreprises économiques Algérienne et transformation numérique et intelligence Artificielle : Université Badji Mokhtar. Annaba. ,
Zoubir Layouni. (2021), Principes et applications d'un système d'information décisionnel (le business intelligence) . Colloque national sur " les outils stratégiques de l'intelligence économique et leur rôle dans l'amélioration de la performance des entreprises Algérienne: fondement théorique et cas pratique : Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba.,