
Qualifications: 1- Baccalaureate (Science) at Ahmed Bey Secondary School, Constantine, 1980. 2- BSc (Diploma of Higher Education) in Animal Biology, Institute of Biology, University of Constantine, Algeria, 1980-1984. 3- MPhil by research, School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary College, University of London, 1985–988. 4- PhD (Thèse d’état), Department of Biology, University of Annaba, Algeria (in collaboration with Queen Mary College and The Natural History Museum, London), February 2001.

Informations de contact :
Bureau : Site G, Laboratory of Animal Ecophysiology
Email 1:
Email 2:
Adresse : Université Badji Mokhtar-Annaba Faculté des Sciences Département de Biologie BP.12, Annaba 23000 Algerie